Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cheat on Online Gaming?

If you think you have seen many cheaters around you such as cheating in exams(which is very common), cheating with parents, cheating with boyfriends/girlfriends there are no exception with cheating in online gaming. Cheating in online gaming involves game codes that single or multiplayer online gamers used to skip the hard parts of the game. Is this really fair for other players who actually won the game with their strategy and skills? I bet your answer is a NO.

Online gaming has been the 7th heaven for for cheats, especially when they allows player to come up with a username which is "anonymous". Software is difficult to secure and new hacks tend to spread like wild fire on the net once they have been discovered. Cheaters cheat because they want to impress people, or ruin the game for others, or in recent times possibly because they want to acquire "game currency" which can be sold for cash on Ebay.

Cheat codes can be removed from multiplayer versions, but early games weren't really designed to deal with cheating. A decade or so ago just being able to play a computer game over the internet was an impressive feat. It wasn't long though, before the availability of hacks and cheats began to ruin gaming for the majority.

Unfortunately there is a multitude of ways to cheat in most online games. One common form of cheating is for two players on different teams to be in communication with each other, either through instant messaging software or telephone, to gain advantage over the other players. The effectiveness of this strategy varies from game to game, but there is still no way of combating this kind of cheating yet.

What do you guys think about online gaming cheaters? Is it fair for the others?


Unknown said...

Haha.I think play cheat is very common nowadays. I saw my friends play cheat in DOTA and also the flash game of facebook, pet society.It is very easy to cheat as long as you know the code or download some softwares.

JaN said...

NO!!! Is unfair for gamers that actually play the game by their own skills and strategy..
thanks for the information..=)

andoryu said...

Some facebookers also cheat in the Who got the biggest brain? and GeoChallenge. Is impossible to get so high scores!!!